Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Great Blizzard of 1888

On March the eleventh, history shows
No one was worrying, "What if it snows?"
The weather was warm for March on this date;
And spring, folks were certain, wouldn't be late.

Curious crocuses peeked above ground,
Birds chirped in chorus, new life was around;
The trees, sap rising, despite winter's blight,
Were bursting with life, buds ripe with delight.

Soft breezes blew, as kids played in the lane,
Joy harmonizing a springtime refrain.
But by late afternoon, casting a pall,
A mantle of snow fell, covering all.

Temperatures chilled, ice coated the trees,
And soon the earth shivered under a freeze.
Snow piled in drifts up to twenty feet high,
Yet on the storm raged, to blot out the sky.

Roads grew impassable, rivers all froze,
Cities shut down, as businesses closed.
Old folks still talk of the blizzard that year;
When winter took charge, her might was quite clear.

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